Out of blue ,there was a girl infront of me ;tall,snowy white,rupangelic hair,slithery lips, for me that was best image retina ever formed.she approached towards me ,smiled showing her perfectly arranged teeth and asked "are you santosh?". Hapazardly i spoke"yes..you?..what's the matter...aww...".now she looked more cuter smiling at my innocance."i just checked file, i am your lab partner,myself samriddi"she introduced herself.my dad was retired army soldier ,day earlier he had advised (looked more like threatening) to study well ,carry aimbition of being doctor and stay out of girly matters.i was their only son,even i had never imagined myself happy being with these all scientific name, i had convinced my self to be a doctor ,only reason was i loved them.see i was a pure teen, never spoke to any girl properly,not smelled cigrette,alchohal and most never been out at night without parents. I had no intention to be attracted to any of girls,but there...